Thursday, November 6, 2008

What a Place

As I approached the rustic looking building on the corner of 301 Julia street, in downtown Titusville, I realized, how amazing, that this building has so much history. The building I’m describing is the old Emma Parrish Theater where the Titusville Playhouse is located.

Why am I going here you might ask? The reason for the visit is to find about volunteering. When I entered the office area, a place that makes a person feel very comfortable and at ease. I am greeted by Pat, a very warm and caring person, “How can I help you” she asked. I explained what the purpose for the visit was, and she said “have a seat” Jerry will be right back from the post office, to help you with your inquiry.

As I spoke to Pat, she said “Elvis is coming, in December”, and June and Johnny Cash will be here in February. Elvis is a local postman, and June and Johnny Cash is a couple living in Port St. John who used to work the cruise ships.
You could tell by the look in Pats eye, that these shows are a really big hit, in the area. Pat explained that people are already calling about these shows and the tickets, haven’t even been printed.

In the 20 or so minutes I spoke with Pat, I could tell by the sincerity in her voice, how dedicated she was. These are the type of people who work and volunteer at the Titusville Playhouse.

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